How often do we think of God having fun? Or being detail-oriented? Or creative? Having likes and dislikes? Being a hard-worker? As I read the creation account I can't help but come in contact with the personhood of God (or perhaps I see more clearly the image I bear.). As I read Genesis 1-2, I relate more to God, gaining a better understanding of who He is. It seems He has emotional experiences much like you and I do.
What joy must have filled His heart as He created the stars, seas, mountains. What fun He must have had creating the land animals, sea animals and birds. What gentleness must have filled His hands as He formed Adam from the dust.
Such diversity and uniqueness exists in creation. Look around. A vast array of grass, flowers, trees exist. Not to mention insects, fish, birds, mammals, reptiles. And the billions of people alive today, each one unique. And He thought it all up. God engaged with His creation, enjoying the good work He performed. With great intention and attention He moved His hands, spoke words of life, breathed in, breathed out.
In the Genesis account, God comes down to earth; more, He brought forth the earth. He made all the beasts after their own kind, all the birds after their own kind, all the fish after their own kind. But we were special. He made us after Him. It seems God too longed to give birth to those after His own likeness.
What fond affection then He must have as He looks upon us. What love fills His heart to send Christ to save us, who though made in His likeness, have destroyed His image. What hope beats in His breast as He thinks of the completed restoration to come.
One day He again will look at His creation and call it good. With God, we wait for the day we will fully know Him, again image Him in glory, enjoy Him with sight, sound and touch. In the meantime we have His Spirit, community, and stories like the Creation account to begin our everlasting relationship with Him.
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