At church this morning the Young Adult pastor spoke on the importance of studying Scripture. He pointed out that reading the Word invokes tons of questions. He went so far as to say that if when we read the Bible we don’t have questions, we’re not really reading it. I couldn’t agree more.
In another blog entry (“Transforming Questions” October 2008), I wrote on this very topic. Questions, I'm beginning to see, are like invitations from Christ. He invites us on a journey of seeking and finding, where we seek answers and find Him. For if we never wonder, we never pursue.
So what are some questions you have? Maybe God is calling you to an exploration, an adventure to come and investigate, to search and find the treasures of His heart. Let us brave the mystery and courageously walk forward and open the Word. May we not fear the confusion or the frustration. Instead may we hope that we will find what we seek.
My invitations:
Why faith?
How does the Spirit operate? What does it mean to walk by the Spirit?
Why did God give the laws He gave in the Mosaic Law? Wouldn't we have known we were sinners apart from these rules?
What does sin look like to God?
Why does God permit such suffering in the world? Is witnessing His glory through painful circumstances (e.g. blind man since birth story in John; enduring earth until Christ’s return) really that much better than not having any pain in the first place?
What did Jesus feel on the cross?
How do God’s sovereignty and humanity’s liberty coincide?
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