Thursday, November 12, 2009

My Chosen Master

A bond-servant refers to one who voluntarily sells him or herself into the slavery of another. That is, he or she forfeits his or her freedom to come under the rule of another person. John and other biblical authors use this term to describe the Christian's relationship with Christ. At least in theory.

I couldn’t help but wonder if someone would use this term to describe my relationship with Him. Would my friends and family? Would I? Would God? Have I surrendered my freedom to His authority?

To help answer this question, I looked up the word authority in Webster’s dictionary. Here’s what I found:

authority: 1) citation used in support of a statement or in defense of an action; also: the source of such a citation 2) one appealed to as an expert 3) power to influence thought or behavior 4) freedom granted: right 5) persons in command; esp: government 6) convincing force

So I wonder, who or what do I let influence my thoughts, my feelings, my actions? Who convinces me of my decisions? If the world says one thing and God says another, what do my actions reveal about who I have sold myself to?

The world tells me to live my life for me; God says the life I live I live for Him. The world says that pleasure is supreme; God says knowing Him brings ultimate joy. The world tells me to seek comfort; God calls me to seek His kingdom. The worlds tell me to demand what is mine; God wants me to sacrifice myself for the benefit of others. The world obsesses over sex; God obsesses over His Son, His glory. The world loves power; God delights in humility. The world hoards its goods; God cares for the poor and impoverished. The world seeks proof; God authors faith. The world says your best life is now; God offers a new life created for the new heaven and earth.

As I separate the two masters’ voices, I sense that I often come under the command of the world. But I long to have my heart set free from such influence. I want to join with John and other believers who have sold themselves into the hands of the kind, wise, gentle Master.

May His Spirit be the power that influences my, along with all believers, interactions, thoughts, motivations. As John writes, “For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world. The world is passing away, and also its lusts; but the one who does the will of God lives forever” (I John 2:16, 17).

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